Dental Scaling & Polishing In Bangladesh

Restore Your Smile with Teeth Scaling & Polishing

Dental Scaling & Polishing In Bangladesh

Teeth scaling and polishing is a process of removing plaque bacteria and tartar. By doing scaling and polishing, your teeth will bring a brighter look. It’s done by the ultrasound scraping tool if the tartar amount is bulk. This process is done by a professional dentist who has lots of experience in this field.

Scaling and polishing is not just removing the scale and polishing the stains. It’s a complete process of smoothing and patching the little imperfections like rough texture. It prevents future bacteria build-up.

Benefits Of The Teeth Scaling and Polishing Procedure

Teeth are the most important organs in our body. It’s not only used for chewing or eating something, it’s a necessary part to give you comfort while smiling. Hence, you should take care of your teeth regularly. Sometimes teeth get attacked by the scale and get yellowed. In this case, scaling and polishing is necessary. In addition, there are more benefits of this treatment that are discussed below:

Improved Gum Health

Maintaining gum health is necessary for several reasons. Gums play a crucial role in keeping dental and physical health well. The gums serve as a foundation for the roots of the teeth and support them directly. If you scale and polish the teeth when necessary, bacteria can’t attack seriously. Consequently, your gum health improves gradually.

Reduced Bad Breathing

Regular polishing the teeth is a good habit because it removes the bacterial infection. It also eliminates the food leftover stuck on teeth and gives you a fresh breath. So try to polish and scale your teeth whenever you need it. Remember to consult with a professional dentist like Tooth Planet BD at the Banani branch’s dentists.


Tooth Loss Risk Reduction

Another crucial benefit of scaling and polishing is to lower the tooth loss risks. If you don’t treat your teeth properly and are attacked by bacteria and other harmful things, your teeth may fall out. So never take it simple when you notice symptoms that indicate scaling and polishing.

Brighter Smile

Smile brighter is always a demand for all. One can’t smile confidently if bad breath comes from his or her mouth and teeth are yellow. So if you want to smile brighter and confidently, scaling and polishing will be the best choices.

Decreases tooth decay

Properly scaling and polishing can decrease early tooth decay. Many people don’t care about their teeth which causes great damage. As a result, they suffer in the long run. So if you are aware, you should scale and polish your teeth when needed.

Our Approach at Tooth Planet for Scaling and Polishing

We have experienced and qualified team members. They are trained with modern equipment and skillful. Here’s why we are special:


Our clinic has worked successfully in recent times and is eager to work hard to gain 100% patient satisfaction. Our dentist’s experience level is commendable and they are capable of working smartly. Each of our dentists expert in their field and provides the best clinical support you need. We have served the best service for more than 2 decades.

Painless procedures

Your comfort is the most valuable thing for us. As our team members are qualified and experienced, they know how to do the treatment without giving you pain. You can schedule treatment if you are scared about pain and lots of discomfort. We have sedation services for a stress-free treatment.


Personalized treatment

Tooth Planet has a customized plan for you. We identify your problem first. Then, we will suggest the necessary treatment for you. After that, the main treatment will start.


State-of-the-art equipment

Tooth Planet uses modern dental equipment and technology to make the task easier. Digital X-rays, 3D imaging, 3D printing, Laser dentistry, etc. are some of them. So there is no problem with quality work and treatment.

Meet Dr. MD Saiful Alom Talukder and Team

Dr. MD Saiful Alo Talukder is the founder and CEO of Tooth Planet and has lots of work experience. He is a reputed consultant Cosmetic Dentist and Implantologist at Tooth Planet. He has 17 years of experience in this field. He is a specialist in different fields like Dentistry, orthodontist, dental surgeon, oral & maxillofacial surgeon, endodontist, and prosthodontist.

The Scaling & Polishing Process: Step-by-step

Scaling and polishing the teeth is not a lengthy process for expert dentists. If you don’t have any idea about the process and are afraid to do that, read this step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Initial Examine

If you’d like to improve your smile by reshaping your teeth and removing any gaps or unusual appearance, you should consult one of our high-profile orthodontists. The expert will check your teeth and jaws visually and with an X-ray. After that, you’ll be observed deeply to determine if Invisalign is the right choice for you. This process will include some other steps, including checking the teeth’ condition, jaw shape, and gums. If everything is fine, expert orthodontists will ensure the other steps.


Step 2: Scaling

To scale your teeth, the dentist will use high-powered and high-speed electric tools to remove bacteria plaque, and tartar. Here ultrasound scraper will be the best option. An ultrasound scraper is used to remove the bulk amount of tartar. If something remains after scraping, hand-held instruments do the rest.

Step 3: Polishing

Once scaling is done, the dentist will polish the teeth for better shape and look. Also, teeth polishing helps prevent the building up of plaque and tartar. In addition, it can keep the bacteria away.

Step 4: Cleaning

Cleaning the teeth is important after scaling and polishing. Remember to communicate with your dentist weekly or monthly to see your progress.

Costs of teeth scaling and polishing in Bangladesh:

How much it costs for complete scaling and polishing is a common question asked by the patient. However, the costs are not fixed. Tooth scaling cost in Bangladesh varies from dental clinic to clinic. In addition, it depends on various circumstances.
Tooth Planet has price lists for scaling and polishing in different packages. There are two packages available – classic and premium. The following is the price list chart:

Treatment Names

Fees (Taka)



Regular scaling & polishing 



Advanced teeth polishing and scaling cost



Severe scaling and polishing (Pan, Smoking)




Keeping your teeth glossy and bright at the top level is necessary. For this, you should scale and polish your teeth when needed. It’s advisable to scale and polish your teeth every 2 to 6 months, depending on the periodontal issues.

Teeth scaling is not that much painful. You feel slight discomfort during and after the treatment. But in Tooth Planet, they use high-quality tools and instruments to give the ultimate comfort.

There are some common symptoms of gum disease including bleeding, soreness, smelly breath, wrong taste, discolored gums, loose teeth, pain when chewing, etc. Whenever you feel or notice one of these signs, contact a professional dentist.

Yes, teeth scaling helps to get rid of bad breath. It not only eliminates bad breath but also works for gum health promotion.

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